Low Priced Stocks When and How to Buy Them (1933) by Owen Taylor


An enjoyable read by Owen Taylor written smack of the middle of the depression and 3 years after the 1929 stock market crash. Here Taylor wades through his low-price-stock buying ideology for the times and although some of his belief systems seem a bit antiqued and naive, one needs to remember the uncertainty of the 1930s and that not many were skilled in speculation. Probably more of a historic piece of stock market history then it is for sound advise, but a fun read nevertheless as he finishes the book discussing the Technical Action of the 1932 Low. 32 pp.

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Low Priced Stocks When and How to Buy Them (1933) by Owen Taylor

Alanpuri Trading, Los Angeles, 2022, Softcover, Reprint, An exact facsimile of the 1933 original by Owen Taylor, 32 pp. Originally published in 1933 by Stock Market Publications, Inc., New York, NY

Summary: An enjoyable read by Owen Taylor written smack of the middle of the depression and 3 years after the 1929 stock market crash. Here Taylor wades through his low-price-stock buying ideology for the times and although some of his belief systems seem a bit antiqued and naive, one needs to remember the uncertainty of the 1930s and that not many were skilled in speculation. Probably more of a historic piece of stock market history then it is for sound advise, but a fun read nevertheless as he finishes the book discussing the Technical Action of the 1932 Low.

Contents: Foreword, Introduction, Chapter I. Advantages of Investing in Low Priced Stocks, Over Sold Condition, Diversification, Less Risk, Chapter II. What Are Low Priced Stocks? Changing Low Price Range, High Priced Stocks vs Low Priced Stocks, How Price Range Moves Up, When to Buy, Chapter III. Why Stocks Sell in Low Priced Groups in Times of Depression, Reasons for Low Prices, Early Signs of Deflation, Dividend Omissions, Manipulation, Effects of Switching, Dividends?, Boom Time Expansion, Leverage as a Factor, Low Priced Stocks as Collateral, Added Rebound, Selling “Ex-Hope,” Buying Time Not Selling Time, Chapter IV. Why Stocks Sell in Low Price Groups in Normal Times, Declines in Normal Times, New Industries, The Caution, High Pressure Promotion, Antiquated Industries, Careful Selection Necessary, Chapter V. How to Select Good Low Priced Stocks, Dividends Not a Factor, To Diversify is Important, Receiverships, Investigation Important, Dead Issues, Chapter VI. How to Judge the Profit Potentialities of Low Priced Stocks, Examine Earnings Trend, Reasons for Sudden Change to Better Earnings, Which to Buy Now, What to Look For, Which to Buy, Comparisons Helpful, Chapter VII. When to Buy Low Priced Stocks, Professional Advice Helpful, Technical Condition Important, General Rules When to Buy, Advances and Declines are Inevitable, Fortunes from Foresight, Selling Climax, Technical Action at Low Point in 1932, Buying Indications, Chapter VIII. When to Sell Low Priced Stocks, Buying Climax, Short Selling Advisable, Conclusion — end. 32 pp.

ISBN-10: 1945574348

ISBN-13: 9781945574344

Low Priced Stocks When and How to Buy Them (1933) by Owen Taylor, 32 pp.