The Three Peaks and the Domed House & One Year Later, A Follow-up of the Three Peaks and Domed House (1968 – 1969) by George Lindsay
Originally published by George Lindsay’s Opinion, New York, 1968 – 1969. Reprint. Softcover, tan wrappers with black title to cover, reprint of the 1968 edition of,” The Three Peaks and the Domed House,” and the 1969 edition of, “One Year Later A Follow-Up of the Three Peaks and Domed House. Numerous charts. These were both published by Lindsay prior to “Three Peaks” being included in later “Investors Intelligence” publications. This single reprint includes both titles. 20 pp.
Contents: Three Peaks and the Domed House, The Model: The Essential Movements in Sequence, The Formations of 1946-1948, The Formations of 1964-1966, The Formations of 1938-1940, The Formations 1966-1968 — end. 10 pp., “One Year Later A Follow-Up of the Three Peaks and Domed House,” More charts on the pattern, Interpreting the 1969 Break, The Right Average to Use, The Minor Formation of 1967, The Minor Formation of 1968, Indications for the Future — end. 10 pp.
Extremely scarce content of the rare 1968 and 1969 versions published by George Lindsay’s Opinion.
The Three Peaks and the Domed House & One Year Later, A Follow-up of the Three Peaks and Domed House by George Lindsay, 20 pp.
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