The Square Root Method, Supertiming The Individual Stock by Square Root Formula (1986) by Franklin Paul Jackson


This is the LAST Course authored by Jackson (1986), and is the last text of the series “The complete “Studies in Market Action and Speculative Technique.” There were a total of 6 texts in the series: 1. Selecting the Right Stock (1941), 2. Studies in Technical Analysis (1946), 3. The Golden Harvest – Basic Method (1951), 4. The Golden Harvest – Advanced Method (1954), 5. The I-S Method – Individual Stocks (1984), 6. The Square Root Method (1986) 255 pp.

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The Square Root Method, Supertiming The Individual Stock by Square Root Formula (1986) by Franklin Paul Jackson

Alanpuri Trading, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 2014, Hardcover, Reprint, exact facsimile of the rare 1986 title originally published by Stock Market Institute [Franklin Paul Jackson (b.1898)], 255 pp.

This is the LAST Course authored by Jackson (1986), and is the last text of the series “The complete “Studies in Market Action and Speculative Technique.” There were a total of 6 texts in the series: 1. Selecting the Right Stock (1941), 2. Studies in Technical Analysis (1946), 3. The Golden Harvest – Basic Method (1951), 4. The Golden Harvest – Advanced Method (1954), 5. The I-S Method – Individual Stocks (1984), 6. The Square Root Method (1986)

Contents: Study One – SQUARE ROOT METHOD Based on Precise Rules, Goal and Strategy of Capital Growth, First Law of Trading – Trade with the Trend–Different Types of the Trend, THE DOW THEORY, Dunnigan-Dow Theory, Square Root Law of Price Changes, Not a Law – Only a Tendency, Square Root Reveals Barometric swings, Amount of Penetration to Give Signals, Key SR-1 Trend Reversal Signal, Key SR-2 Trend Reversal Signal, Square Root Key Table, Don’t Buy in the Test Area, Key SR-3 Trend Reversal Signal Head and Shoulders – Triple Top, New Highs Can Be Dangerous – False Signals – Good Signals – Trends, Defenses Against False New Highs, Cancellation of Signals, Key 5 Cancellation Signal, Study of Charts, STOP LOSS ORDERS, Stop Orders to Open Trade, The Reverse Top, Working in the Mine at ASA, Now is the Time, VOLUME OF TRADING, Diversification, Rotation, Chart Equipment – Computers – Manual Charting, Fundamentals are Opinions Based on Imperfectly Known Facts, Trick Forecasts, Combining Fundamentals and Technical Analysis, Fundamentals vs. Technical Analysis, Corporate News Items, Beware the Good News – Stock Splits – Dividends, Who Are the Insiders? How Good Is Expert Advice, STUDY TWO: Square Root of the Moving Average, Good Then, Good Now, Why the Moving Average Works, Trend Reversal Signals by the Moving Average, Key Pre MA-1, Key MA-1 Trend Reversal Signal, Do Not Delay When Signal is Given, A Lower Weekly Close is Not Needed, The Square Root Calculation is Easy, The I-S Method Key Table, Adjusting Distance for Penetration, The Reason for the Pre, THE GOLDEN RULE, Key 5 – Cancellation of the Signal, There are Many Moving Average Systems, Long Term Moving Averages, Some Stocks follow the 30-week MA, More About Your Chart Equipment, Practice at Making Your Million, Worksheet for Computing Moving Average, STOP LOSS ORDERS, Sometimes Moving Averages are Not Profitable, Trade Only in Signal Obeying Stocks, Other Techniques Supplement the MA, Overbought-Oversold Positions, The CPR as a Top Pattern, CPR With Thrust, 50% Rebound from 50% Reaction, Trading Ranges Follow Fast Swings, Short Selling, Trends and Consolidations, Triangles, The Line is Best, THE POWER BOTTOM, The False Double Bottom, Buying on Reactions, The Profitable Repeat Signals, Progressive Stop and Repeat Signals, ART OF TAKING PROFITS, Profits are Psychologically Important, Quick Profit Trading More Conservative, MULTI PROFIT TRADING, Quick Profits – Compounding Profits, OPERATING PLANS, STUDY THREE – THE THRUST: The Scope of the Study, New Concepts for “Swing” “Trend,” DEFINITIONS, THRUST (Defined), Using the Thrust Signals, Pattern Position Plus Thrust Gives Signal, Thrust Explained, Patterns That Produce Signals, The Dangerous Narrow Range, Double Thrusts, Thrust Adds New Repeat Signals, Many Thrust Patterns Reaffirm the Trend, The Pattern Not the Rating Gives The Signal, Study the Patterns that May Give a Signal, Significance of Volume with Thrust, Correlating the Different Signals, Do Not Neglect the SR and MA Techniques, Identifying the Action Patterns, Putting It All Together — 255 pp.


Publisher’s Note: This last work by Jackson had very narrow distribution and is ironically one the scarcest titles out of all his courses written over a 40+ year period.  Jackson was self-published, and by the time he released Square Root Method in 1986 (in is late 80s), it’s safe to say that many of that era’s traders were chasing newer, computer-based concepts from financial authors.  Additionally, Jackson sold most of his work to his declining base of newsletter subscribers.  My brother-in-law and late father-in-law had lunch with Jackson on several occasions in the mid 1980s and they often joked with Jackson on how he’d outlived most of his loyal followers. — A title even harder to find then “The Square Root Method” is the 1950 title “Method for Commodity Trading,” which was a precursor for his “Golden Harvest” courses.

ISBN-10: 1945574259

ISBN-13: 9781945574252

The Square Root Method, Supertiming The Individual Stock by Square Root Formula  (1986) by Franklin Paul Jackson