The Stock Market Trading Secrets of the Late J. Pierpont Morgan (1967) by C.M. Flumiani
Alanpuri Trading, Los Angeles, 2022, Softcover, Reprint, Illustrated, An exact facsimile of the 1967 first edition by C.M. Flumiani, 33 pp.
Summary: A bit of a fluff piece by Flumiani. This is a short, choppy book on the life of J.P. Morgan that attempts to pinpoint his motivations, philosophies and strategies as only Flumiani could imagine and pen it. Illustrated, but with far fewer drawings than many of Flumiani’s other titles. A fun read but nothing earth-shaking. 33pp.
Contents: from the Introduction: This is not another biography of John Pierpont Morgan or, as he is also known, the Great Pierport Morgan. For those who are interested in the facts of his life, I will cite among the others, two books: Allen: The Great Pierpont, and Satterlee: J.Pierpont Morgan. They are both good, enjoyable, worth reading. My attempt in writing this study is by far more limited and specialized. We are confronted here with an strange and unique phenomenon: the performances and achievements of a man who, during one of the most significant periods in United States history rose to the position of dominating for a while the economic and financial structure of the country. How did he do it? What forces did he employ? By what criteria was he guided? What was his pattern of operations? Which his objectives? How is it that he succeeded while others failed?
Structure: Introduction, The All-Meaningful Experience, Think Big Act Big, The Miraculous New, The One Commandment: Integration, The Value Morgan Formula, Failure, J.P. Morgan’s Investment Philosophy, Morgan’s Stock Market Philosophy — end. 33 pp.
ISBN-10: 194557433X
ISBN-13: 9781945574337
The Stock Market Trading Secrets of the Late J. Pierpont Morgan (1967) by C.M. Flumiani, 33 pp.